How do I access a journal article?


If you know the article's citation, go to the online catalog from the library's homepage, then click on citation linker. It's best to search using the DOI of the article. You will be prompted to authenticate using the Shibboleth login. Please read the research guide here on how to login using Shibboleth.

If the SPH library does not subscribe to the journal where the article is published, try the TMC library. You can enter the title of the article in the search box on the homepage. You will be prompted to authenticate using OpenAthens. Please read the research guide here on how to login using OpenAthens.

If you are unable to access the article via these two methods, contact the SPH library. If you would like to learn how to search for articles according to subjects or research topic areas, please schedule a consultation with the SPH librarian here.

  • Last Updated Jun 11, 2021
  • Views 377
  • Answered By Angel Hooper

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